Saturday, February 22, 2014


It's been almost a year since I posted here. Not surprised. But I'm not here to talk about how my life is going (which is very well, thanks for asking!). I'm simply here to rant a bit.

Facebook makes me angry. Not because of what it is, but because of what it lets people do. I'm all for freedom of speech, but for fucks sake, read some facts. Learn some facts. Don't fucking put your opinion out there based on your misguided knowledge of what you've learned from the media you choose to follow.

Don't be a fucking racist.
Don't judge a whole country/religion/gender/any group based on a single act.
Don't believe everything you read.
Research the story.
Don't believe in vaccination? Great. You're the reason some diseases are coming back.
Don't believe in abortion? DON'T FUCKING GET ONE.
Don't like gay people? Don't be friends with them.
Don't approve of gay sex? Don't have sex with them.

Your judgemental bullshit is the reason why people believe rape is ok, that violence is ok, that domestic violence is acceptable ('you don't know their story').
Violence is not ok.
Rape is not ok.
Rape victims are exactly that: VICTIMS.
You rape someone, you should go to jail.
You hit your partner (man or woman): you should go to jail.
You leave your kid locked up in the car, you should go to jail and never be allowed around kids again.

The internet and social media has made this world a smaller place. That is good and bad. It means news spread faster, that people are more connected. You can now find people that have the same opinions and struggles as you all over the world. You can connect to them. At the same time, it makes spreading bullshit so much easier. Post a photo on Facebook with a line saying something like "vaccination kills" and the image of a struggling baby and it will spread like wild fire.

Clicking the share button is easy. Researching facts takes time and effort.

Get your shit sorted, people. And stop pushing your opinions onto everyone around you. If i don't ask for your opinion, DON'T FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME.


I promise the next post will be nicer ;)

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